FastEnter Express Show: No |
Start Date: 02/08/2025 |
End Date: 02/08/2025 |
Pre-Entry Deadline: 02/08/2025 |
Late Entry Deadline: NA |
Location: Ocala, FL |
Arena Address: po box 1167 |
Added Money: NA |
Association: PacWest |
Value of Prizes: NA |
Producer: Pacwest |
Dress Code: Please include the length of trailer |
Event Type: Barrel Race |
Note: Do all entries as one transaction. Once you pay for a transaction, it won't allow you to do another one for this horse, and any new transactions will charged another transaction fee. You will have the opportunity to enter additional horses and riders later in the process as part of this transaction. |
Contact Info: |
For questions about the show, draws, results, etc. please contact the producer: Nicole 405 436 0392 |
For FastEnter issues and items NOT related to the show, contact 916-275-3277 |
Notes from Producer:- RV and Stall info
- Move in for Rvs and Stalls does not open until 7am Friday. The grounds will not be open before this time.
- We thank you and Appreciate everyone bearing with us through all the 2025 changes. We plan to evaluate and make any changes needed
- for the comfort of our contestants and their animals.
- Friday
- Ex: 10am-4pm
- Pee Wee @ 4:45
- OPen $5,000 added at 5pm
- Saturday
- Exhibitions @ 9am-noon
- Pee Wee @12:45
- Open $5,000 added at 1pm
- $5,000 Triple Crown 100 Incentive money
- Average Awards to Follow
- Pleasse Note:
- STALL and RVS:
- Move in for stalls and Rvs will not open until 7am FRIDAY