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NWMT Rodeo Team Youth Rodeo #2       (Show Not Accepting Entries)

       This show is currently not accepting entries for one of two reasons:
  1. The pre-entry deadline has already passed.
  2. The producer has decided to stop taking entries for this show

FastEnter Express Show:  Yes
Start Date:  07/19/2024 End Date:  07/21/2024
Pre-Entry Deadline:   07/19/2024 Late Entry Deadline:   NA
Location:   Kalispell, MT Arena Address:   PO Box 3176
Added Money:  NA Association:  NA
Value of Prizes:   NA Producer:   NWMT Rodeo Team
Dress Code:  Western Attire Event Type:   PRodeo
Contact Info:  Ali Ray 406.450.0144

Contestant Information
* First Name * Last Name
* Horse Name Rider over 18?
* Phone Number Cell Phone
* Address 1: Address 2:
* City * State
* Zip Code * Email

Items with a * are required

Events (Please Do NOT enter Both Performance and Slack for the Same Event!!)
Added Money
1SAT 7U Barrels15.00--
2SUN 7U Barrels15.00--
3SAT 7U PoleBending15.00--
4SUN 7U Pole Bending15.00--
5SAT 7U Dummy Roping15.00--
6SUN 7U Dummy Roping15.00--
7SAT 7U Flag Race15.00--
8SUN 7U Flag Race15.00--
9SAT 7U Stick Horse Race15.00--
10SUN 7U Stick Horse Race15.00--
13Leadline 7U Barrels15.00--
14Leadline 7U Polebending15.00--
15LeadLine 7U Flag Race15.00--
16SUN LL 7U Events15.00--
17SAT 8-10 Dummy Roping15.00--
18SUN 8-10 Dummy Roping15.00--
19SAT Tie Down Roping 11+15.00--
20SUN Tie Down Roping 11+15.00--
21SAT 8-10 Barrels15.00--
22SUN 8-10 Barrels15.00--
23SAT 8-10 Calf Chute Tying15.00--
24SUn 8-10 Calf Chute Tying15.00--
25SAT 8-10 Pole Bending15.00--
26SUN 8-10 Pole Bending15.00--
27SAT 8-10 Flag Race15.00--
28SUN 8-10 Flag Race15.00--
29SAT 11-13 Flag Race15.00--
30SUN 11-13 Flag Race15.00--
31SAT 11-13 Breakaway Roping15.00--
32SUN 11-13 Breakaway Roping15.00--
33SAT 11-13 Team Roping w Parent15.00--
34SUN 11-13 Team Roping w Parent15.00--
35SAT 11-13 Calf Chute Tying15.00--
36SUN 11-13 Calf Chute Tying15.00--
37SAT 11-13 Pole Bending15.00--
38SUN 11-13 Pole Bending15.00--
39SAT 11-13 Steer Dabbing15.00--
40SUN 11-13 Steer Dabbing15.00--
41SAT 11-13 Barrels15.00--
42SUN 11-13 Barrels15.00--
43SAT 11-13 Steer Riding15.00--
44SUN 11-13 Steer Riding15.00--
45SAT 14+ BIG Steer Riding15.00--
46SUN 14+ BIG Steer Riding15.00--
47SAT 14+ Barrels15.00--
48SUN 14+ Barrels15.00--
49SAT 14+ Breakaway Roping15.00--
50SUN 14+ Breakaway Roping15.00--
51SAT 14+ Team Roping15.00--
52SUN 14+ Team Roping15.00--
53SAT 14+ Pole Bending15.00--
54SUn 14+ Pole Bending15.00--
55SAT 14+ Steer Dabbing15.00--
56SUN 14+ Steer Dabbing15.00--
57SAT 14+ Chute Dogging15.00--
58SUN 14+ Chute Dogging15.00--
59SAT 14+ Flag Race15.00--
60SUN 14+ Flag Race15.00--

