Senior World Championship Barrel Race
FastEnter Express Show: No
Start Date: 03/27/2025
End Date: 03/30/2025
Pre-Entry Deadline: 03/27/2025
Late Entry Deadline: NA
Location: Texarkana, AR
Arena Address: 3700 E. 50th Street
Added Money: 17000.00
Association: NA
Value of Prizes: 22000.00
Producer: Senior World Championship Barrel Race
Dress Code: Yes
Event Type: Barrel Race
Note: Do all entries as one transaction. Once you pay for a transaction, it won't allow you to do another one for this horse, and any new transactions will charged another transaction fee. You will have the opportunity to enter additional horses and riders later in the process as part of this transaction.
Contact Info:
For questions about the show, draws, results, etc. please contact the producer: Tonya Wallace 501 765 2333
For FastEnter issues and items NOT related to the show, contact 916-275-3277
Notes from Producer:If you are riding multiple horses and wish to run them in a certain order, you must note the order in the Note to Producer, also enter the horses in FastEnter in the order you want to run them. Place the group of 50 drag you prefer to run on the Note to Producer at time of entry. There will be No Requesting of drag preferences by email or call after the entry is sent in. *********************************************************************************************************** Stalls & RV's - Purchase directly from Four States Fairgrounds 870-773-2941 If you are using FastEnter just to purchase Stalls, no race entries at this time, please type in the word "Stall" and your last name behind it in the horse name field. Example of Horse Name: Stall Wallace Then enter the total number of stalls you are needing to purchase for the appropriate days for this race. If you come back at a later date to purchase more stalls for the same race, you will have to type in the word (Stall 2) for the horse name. FastEnter will only allow you to do one transaction per horses name for the same race. So by following the instructions above, if you decide to come back at a later date to do your race pre-entries after buying your stalls, you will be able to. Four States Fairgrounds no longer will allow horses to be in pens at your trailer (tie outs). You must purchase a stall if staying overnight with horses. ************************************************************************************************************ When doing your pre-entries for the race, please use the horses registered name. Enter all the riders information for one horse, - If entering the Senior Jackpot, you must click that box. - If entering the Thursday Age Appropriate Incentive Race, you must click the box for your age group. - If entering the Sunday Open Race - you must pay the $10 One Time Fee (You can roll your Thursday SR Race Time to the Sunday Open) - Click each individual box for the races you wish to enter for this one horse. *************** IMPORTANT - If you enter the Senior Race you must click the box for Senior Race One Time Fee $25 *************** - Type in the total number of Shavings you will need - Type in the total number of Stalls needed per day and click next. *************** IMPORTANT - If you would like to receive text or email messages with draw number and other information, you must click Reminder Messages. *************** - Click next this will show you the entries for the first horse. - If you have a mistake on this entry, Click Change Entry. - If not, Click next and you will have the option to Enter with Another Horse, Add Another Person to this Show, Edit Entry, Delete Entry, or Checkout. - Repeat the process for any additional horses or other riders prior to checking out to keep it all as one transaction. - Checkout - Read the disclaimer, click that your read and agree to the User Agreement and Click Next. ******************************* Important Payment Process - You will be directed to a Pay with PayPal Screen - You have the option to pay by Paypal OR Pay with Debit or Credit Card - If you select Pay with Debit or Credit Card - You are directed to the PayPal Guest Checkout to use a Debit or Credit Card FastEnter processing fee is $6.00 per transaction PayPal/Credit Cards charges 4% of the total transaction. *********************************************************************************************************** Pre-Entries may request to be drawn in any group of 50. Place the request in the "Note to Producer" *********************************************************************************************************** There are NO REFUNDS/NO EXCEPTIONS! *********************************************************************************************************** Age Appropriate Incentive Race Sidepots: Rider Ages are based on your age as of March 27, 2025. *********************************************************************************************************** For Questions Call Tonya (501) 765-2333 or Email: Website: If your credit/debit card is declined. Please contact PayPal 1-888-221-1161 Your credit card transaction will show up as: Senior World Championship Barrel Race ***********************************************************************************************************
Rider Information
Items with a * are required
† For riders with multiple horses, your horses will run in the order entered unless prohibited by local rules.
Services with a red * are no longer being offered, usually because a limit has been reached