For more information about CHR software products, click on Charlie Horse Ranch Timing Systems is a website dedicated to making entries in barrel racing and other equine events simple and fast. Riders can enter online and pay with a credit card or PayPal. Producers can take entries online for free, and we make it very simple to do so. FastEnter is now available to users who are not Charlie Horse clients. See our webpage and get the details about FastEnter Lite. The transaction fee has been increased to $6.00 effective 12/24/17 Effective 08/30/21, the merchant fee (formerly 2.9% + .30) has been increased to 4.0%. This is a result of increases by PayPal.

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17th Annual Race for the Roses

FastEnter Express Show:  No
Start Date:  05/02/2025 End Date:  05/02/2025
Pre-Entry Deadline:   04/26/2025 Late Entry Deadline:   05/02/2025
Location:   Verndale, MN Arena Address:   16498 US 10
Added Money:  4000.00 Association:  NA
Value of Prizes:   2400.00 Producer:   Midwest Pole Bending Association
Dress Code:  Heeled boots Event Type:   Barrel Race
Note: Do all entries as one transaction. Once you pay for a transaction, it won't allow you to do another one for this horse, and any new transactions will charged another transaction fee. You will have the opportunity to enter additional horses and riders later in the process as part of this transaction.
Contact Info:
For questions about the show, draws, results, etc. please contact the producer: Verna Hultman 612 384 6730
For FastEnter issues and items NOT related to the show, contact 916-275-3277

Rider Information
* First Name
* Last Name
* Horse †
Registered Horse?
Rider over 18?
* Phone Number
Cell Phone
* Address 1:
Address 2:
* City
* State
* Zip Code
* Email
Note to Producer
NBHA Dist Id
C Id
C Id

Items with a * are required
† For riders with multiple horses, your horses will run in the order entered unless prohibited by local rules.

IDEnterCarry Over
1-Pee Wee 3D Friday5.00--
2-Pee Wee 3D Saturday5.00--
3-Pee Wee 3D Sunday5.00--
4-Pole Bending 3D Friday $100AM30.00--
5-Pole Bending 3D Sat $100AM30.00--
6(9)Friday Early Run (workers)0.00--
7(11)Youth 3D Friday30.00--
8(6,7)Open Friday 4D $500 AM40.00500.00-
9-Saturday Early Run (workers)0.00--
10(9,12)Open Saturday 4D $1000AM50.001000.00-
11(10)Youth 3D Saturday30.00--
12-Saturday 2nd Open Charity40.00--
13-Sunday Early Run (workers)0.00--
14(10,13)Open Sunday 4D $1000AM50.001000.00-
16-Youth 3D Sunday30.00--
17-Fri/Sat Average/Target Sidepot30.00--
18-AllRuns Count Weekend Sidepot40.00500.00-
19-ActivateQi High Stakes Sidepot250.001000.00-
20-Adult Fri 3D 19-44 Sidepot30.00--
21-Adult Sat 3D 19-44 Sidepot30.00--
22-Adult Sun 3D 19-44 Sidepot30.00--
23-Senior Friday 3D Sidepot30.00--
24-Senior Saturday 3D Sidepot30.00--
25-Senior Sunday 3D Sidepot30.00--
26-Futurity Fri 2D Sidepot30.00--
27-Futurity Sat 2D Sidepot30.00--
28-Futurity Sun 2D Sidepot30.00--
29-Derby Fri 2D Sidepot30.00--
30-Derby Sat 2D Sidepot30.00--
31-Derby Sun 2D Sidepot30.00--
32-Big Bounce Run 2D Youth20.00--
33-Big Bounce Run 2D Adult20.00--
34-Speed Dash 2D Youth20.00--
35-Speed Dash 2D Adult20.00--
36-Bareback Barrels 2D Youth20.00--
37-Bareback Barrels 2D Adult20.00--
38-Fri Open Riding 12-12:1520.00--
39-Fri Open Riding 12:20-12:3520.00--
40-Fri Open Riding 12:40-12:5520.00--
41-Sat Open Riding 7-7:1520.00--
42-Sat Open Riding 7:20-7:3520.00--

Stalls w/ 2 bags shavings80.00Stalls w/ 2 bags shavings
Additional Shavings10.00Additional Shavings
Camping Electric Fri/Sat night60.00Camping Electric Fri/Sat night
Daily Jump Out(per horse/day)10.00Daily Jump Out(per horse/day)
Fri Barrel Exh 1-25.00Fri Barrel Exh 1-2
Fri Barrel Exh 2-35.00Fri Barrel Exh 2-3
Fri Barrel Exh 3-3:455.00Fri Barrel Exh 3-3:45
Sat Barrel Exh 8-95.00Sat Barrel Exh 8-9
Sat Barrel Exh 9-105.00Sat Barrel Exh 9-10
Sat Barrel Exh 10-10:455.00Sat Barrel Exh 10-10:45
Sun Barrel Exh 8-8:305.00Sun Barrel Exh 8-8:30
Pole Exh Friday5.00Pole Exh Friday
Pole Exh Saturday5.00Pole Exh Saturday
Thursday night stall15.00Thursday night stall
Thursday night electrical30.00Thursday night electrical
Reminder Messages0.00Reminder Message Service
