FastEnter Express Show: No
Start Date: 09/27/2024
End Date: 09/27/2024
Pre-Entry Deadline: 09/27/2024
Late Entry Deadline: NA
Location: COMANCHE, TX
Arena Address: 7638 HWY 377
Added Money: NA
Association: NTPRA
Value of Prizes: NA
Producer: NTPRA
Dress Code: No
Event Type: Barrel Race
Note: Do all entries as one transaction. Once you pay for a transaction, it won't allow you to do another one for this horse, and any new transactions will charged another transaction fee. You will have the opportunity to enter additional horses and riders later in the process as part of this transaction.
Contact Info:
For questions about the show, draws, results, etc. please contact the producer: Kelly 2542036000
For FastEnter issues and items NOT related to the show, contact FastEnter.com: 916-275-3277
Notes from Producer:NTPRA Rules 2024 National Timed Pattern Racing, (NTPRA) is an association of equestrian timed pattern racing enthusiasts. This association was developed with the intention to improve all aspects of equestrian arena timed pattern racing. NTPRA goals are to provide clear rules and guidelines for contestants and producers. Our goal is to offer a friendly, supportive, competitive environment for riders of all ages and skill levels to achieve success as they grow in skill and horsemanship. This organization strives to be enjoyable and educational for all attendees, contestants, and equines. General Rules These rules and guidelines are intended to clarify and facilitate properly structured timed pattern racing jackpot events. In the event that a situation arises that is not addressed in the fallowing rules, the parties involved will consult with the producer and find a resolution that utilizes best judgment and fairness for all parties involved with the issue. 1. Membership dues will be $65 annually. Membership for each additional horse shall be $50 Annual membership will run from July 1 ??? June 30 1.1 (A) Dues must be paid before points will count toward members standings. 2. Equine may be of any type or size. 3. Riders under the age of 18 can not compete on a stallion. 3.A A stallion is a male equine over the age of 1 year that has not been gelded. 1.4 When entering a Registered horse of any breed enter the horse using the barn name followed by the registered name. IE: Bentley / Bully For The Bug 1.7 Whenever the masculine is used it also includes the feminine. Whenever horse is used it includes all equine. 1.8 Cross Entries: A horse cannot be entered in the same jackpot pattern with a different rider. 1.8.A A rider may enter the same jackpot pattern on a different horse. 1.8.B A horse and rider combination may only enter each pattern one time. 1.8.C The exception to this rule is that horses may cross enter and be ridden by more than one rider in the lead line class. Horses can be ridden in the open jackpot by a rider not entered in the lead line.Attire and Tack- 2.1 Clothing: Long pants, Equestrian Riding boots or appropriate riding shoes are required. 2.1.A Event management has the right to require wardrobe adjustments or changes if riders choice is deemed inappropriate. Helmets are encouraged. 2.2 Formal dress code will consist of long sleeve collared shirt, long pants, hat or helmet and equestrian riding boots.2.2.A Formal dress code is not a requirement of NTPRA at sanctioned or co sanctioned events but can be required at the discretion of the event producer. 2.2.B When formal dress code is a requirement at an event it must be advertised on the event fliers and promotional advertisements. 3. Tack: Bridles can be of any type with any style of bit or hackamore. 3.1 Tie down and any type of saddle may be used so long as it is deemed safe for the horse and rider by the event judge. 3.2 Any type of over and under, bat or quirt may be used. 3.3The producer may prohibit the use of equipment that is considered dangerous, inhumane or severe. 3.4 Spurs must be secured around boots. Spurs must have rowels that do not puncture or damage skin of the horse. 3.4(.A) If injury is suspected or exists from spurs , the judge may require spurs be removed for the remainder of event. 4.1 Broken tack in the running of a pattern will be allowed to continue the pattern so long as the course can be completed without danger to the horse or the rider. 4.1.A Breakage of tack or lost shoe will not entitle the combination to a re ride.Guidance 5. Be prepared to run: All riders should be fully prepared to run when their name is called by the announcer. If a rider has their name called by the announcer three times and the rider is not located near the gate or working toward getting into the arena you could be scratched from that event. 5.1 If your horse has anxiety near the gate and requires assistance to get into the arena and on course you have 60 seconds to get on course before being deemed a scratch for this pattern. If your horse needs to be led into the arena or helped in by a buddy it is your responsibility to have a plan and your team ready to help you when your name is called. All assistance horses and people must clear the arena or gate as soon as possible and must be clear of the gate before contestant is coming back through the timer line. Contestant / Course Requirements 6.1 Start and Finish of Course : The announcer will announce the course is clear and the timers are set for the next contestant. 6.1.A Running before course and timer is set could be considered a no time at the judges discretion. 7. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated by contestants, parents, relatives or friends of a contestant and may result in disqualification of the contestant and possible dismissal from the event. Examples: Willfully causing trouble by aggressive behavior, complaining in a disruptive manner, aggravating the judge, event manager, producer, other contestants or spectators. Use of any type of timed device by the rider or someone assisting the rider to deliberately alter the outcome of the ride. Failing to leave the arena when excused by the event judge Use of or under the influence of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages. 8. Failure of any member or non- member to make good on any returned payment of entry fees paid to NTPRA or an NTPRA sanctioned producer may result in the members privilege to compete in any NTPRA event. 8.1 The members name may be added to the NTPRA ineligible list. 8.1.(A) NTPRA event producers are responsible for collection of nonpayment of fees Show Producer Responsibilities 9.1 Judging- It is mandatory that the judge be present in the arena or positioned to have a full view of the arena and to oversee course set up and running of events 9.2 Uniform application of all rules and expectations are the goal and responsibility of arena judges and producers. 9.3 The arena judge needs to be determined by the event producer before the event begins. Judges need to be educated about the course being ran and what constitutes a penalty or an off course. 9.4 The arena judge can also serve as the event producer, gate manager, tractor driver or announcer. 9.5 All decisions of the judge in the arena are final. 9.6 In all cases where judgment is required by an event official, fairness and reasonable consideration must be employed. 9.7 A combination will be considered on course when any part of the horse crosses the start / finish line and shall end when any part crosses the line at the completion of the course. If the line is crossed before the course is completed the contestant will receive a no time for that pattern. ??? off course??? 9.8 Time will be measured and recorded from an electronic timer. If the timer fails and no backup timer is in use, the rider will be offered a choice of a re run at the completion of their set or at the completion of the draw. If the timer can not be brought back to operation, hand timing with two stop watches will be the next appropriate solution. 9.9 If the timers malfunction and there is an electronic eye backup timer in use the combination shall receive time from the backup timer and not given the option of a re ride. 11.1 If water is added to the arena it should be done at the change of patterns. 11.2 Hand rakes can be utilized to remove rough ground in turn areas of the pattern, but are not adequate when used alone. 12.1 Patterns located in appendix A. Pattern size can be reduced to accommodate smaller arenas so long as the pattern has a minimum of 25' from the arena fence or wall and the pole or barrel in the pattern. 12.2 The shut down arena must be a minimum of 40' after the timer line. 12.3 Riders choosing to have a gate closed at an arena that is set up to be usually open for a run in/out may have less than the minimum shutdown area after the timers. 12.4 Arena moisture content should be monitored by the ground crew to ensure that the consistency of the footing is safe and of the best quality possible to insure safe competitive runs for all contestants 12.5 Gates: Depending on the arena design gates can be open for all contestants or closed for all contestants. 12.6 A rider can request the gate be closed during their run at events that have an open gate as the standard. 12.7 Penalties 13. When an obstacle of the course is knocked down there will be a 10 second penalty. Off Course: is a no time for the pattern 13.1-13.3 13.1. Negotiating an obstetrical in an order or on the incorrect side from the prescribed pattern. 13.2 Fall of the rider while on course. 13.3 If the combination does not start or finish the pattern between the timer line. 13.4 Contestant shall be warned of the fallowing : Excessive spurring or jerking of the reins Unusual construction or arrangement of equipment considered by the event judge to be inhumane or unsafe Excessive use of bats or whips Cruelty of any kind to the horse while on the event grounds whether or not specifically mentioned Sanctioning Added Money 14.0 100% of add money will be included in the jackpot. 14.1 At Sanctioned events NTPRA rules must be followed by the producer and contestants. 14.2 All NTPRA sanctioned and co sanctioned race results will be posted at the event as soon as they are available and will be posted on the NTPRA web site as soon as possible. 14.3Producers must send full event by email or postal mail by Wednesday of the week following the event. Results must be actual copies of the time sheets completed at the show, either computer or handwritten. Times sheets need to include placing and points. 14.4 Sending results later that the Wednesday following the event could result in a $50 file to the event producer. Contact the NTPRA Office @ 254.203.6000 or NTPRA.Information @gmail.com to obtain a sanctioning packet & schedule you event with NTPRA. All NTPRA sanctioned events must at a minimum offer 2 open patterns. NTPRA reserves the right to deny sanctioning to any individual or organization if it is determined not to be in the best interest of NTPRA or its members 15. Event Series Points: When hosting a time divisional event or series that includes a high point the producer needs to determine before the event which of the two common methods will be used to determine high point and make this information known to the contestants. If a producer chooses an alternative to the two common methods to determine series high point the formula being used must be made known to the contestants before the series starts. 15.1 A Method 1: The highest placing in any division is the riders placing for the event or series, regardless of higher points in a different division. All other placings in other divisions are disregarded. 15.1B Method 2: The division the rider has the highest points is the riders placing for the series or event. All points / placings in other divisions are added to the highest point category.Payout Table 16 Open division pays out based on percentage of pot and is determined by the number of entries in the pattern and the added money ( if applicable) NTPRA jackpot table: Appendix B 16.1Payout Corrections In the event that the jackpot pay out contains an error: Any party to the error will pay or refund the erroneous amount to the producer or the contestant if the error amounts to more than 10% of the placing payout or $5.00 whichever is greater. The error and the formula for the remedy will be shown/ explained to the parties affected. 17. Draw Position Options The draw for run position can be conducted several ways with the goal to maintain a riders random opportunity to be at any position in relation to the grooming of the arena (Drag) in the draw. 18.0 Trades: All horses / riders will run in their draw position. If a contestant is unable to run in his / her drawn position due to unforeseen circumstances the producer, at their discretion, may allow the contestant to run at the end of the regular draw. Trades are allowed on a position for position basis at the producers discretion for good cause. Position for position means a rider can not trade for a position closer to the top of the drag than the original draw position . 18.1 Contestants riding multiple horses must maintain the draw position of horsesas drawn. Switching horses in the draw without producer permission, even for good cause will result in a no time for both horses. Definitions Co Sanctioned Event = All NTPRA member riders paying an additional $5.00 NTPRA run qualifier fee will earn run qualification points Exhibition=Paid time in the arena for horse and rider to complete the pattern one time. Time is limited to 60 seconds. The arena set up and conditions should be as close as possible to the jackpot event. Jackpot= The event pays out money as awards for top placings in divisions Lead Line = This class is offered to provide an opportunity for riders not yet capable of controlling their mount through the pattern to participate and gain confidence and skill in horsemanship. Lead line riders can not cross enter into any other divisional race Must be assisted by a person on the ground leading them through the course Must properly complete the course. Leader must not hold or steady obstacles of the course Rider can be of any age Riding helmets are encourages but are used at the discretion of the parent or guardian Horses may be used in lead line class by more than one rider Lead line riders should not be going faster than a trot. If the team is truly capable of a canter or lope the rider should be capable of controlling the horse independent of the leader. When crossing the timer line starting / finishing a pattern the leader should be aligned closely with the horses shoulder to keep the team crossing the line at the same time. Open = open to any age rider, any age equine. Sanctioned Event = All riders entered will earn NTPRA ride points Scratched Rider = Contestant has left the event or otherwise is not ready at the gate when called. Time Only= 60 seconds in the arena where rider can spend time circling a part of the pattern or repeating part of the pattern. Arena conditions ( announcer, music, banners etc. ) may or may not be the same as jackpot conditions.
Rider Information
Items with a * are required
† For riders with multiple horses, your horses will run in the order entered unless prohibited by local rules.